MM Lee: But you won't know who comprises the 60%, right?Ken Kwek, 26 - Journalist; Never voted: You don't need to know that to strike fear, though.MM Lee: Oh, come off it! (laughter) You mean to tell me you have, you're one of the 40% who voted against the PAP and something happens to you?Ken Kwek: I mean, I've never voted for that matter, but I mean - we talk to hundreds of voters in the course of our work, and it's either "no comment" or "if I vote against the PAP, I may..."MM Lee: No, no. Let's get down. What are the hundreds of voters? You name the hundreds of voters, a few of them. Tell me.Ken Kwek: Well, I mean I can't name them by name...MM Lee: No, no. You tell me you've spoken to and tell you they're afraid.Ken Kwek: A few weeks ago, the Straits Times did a report, we polled a hundred voters...MM Lee: No, no, no, no. Never mind the Straits Times poll. You made a statement just now, that "I spoke to a hundred respondents, and they were all afraid." I say, you name them. Tell me who.
may be Ken Kwek should name himself. He was already being intimidated by MM
He should have. But I doubt he felt courageous enough at that point in time.
i hope you'll email your comments to ken kwek, as i think they are very constructive. his email is
I don't think Ken will bother. He just reported about a Finish guy commenting about how great Singapore is with low tax...etc. That guy was the same one who beating up a local woman over a dog issue recently. Ken is just another barking for the boss of harry's island.
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may be Ken Kwek should name himself. He was already being intimidated by MM
He should have. But I doubt he felt courageous enough at that point in time.
i hope you'll email your comments to ken kwek, as i think they are very constructive. his email is
I don't think Ken will bother. He just reported about a Finish guy commenting about how great Singapore is with low tax...etc. That guy was the same one who beating up a local woman over a dog issue recently. Ken is just another barking for the boss of harry's island.
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